每个家庭的报名费= $500
每个学生的活动费= 200美元
每位学生的高级费用= $450
皇冠99hg现金网主教真诚地致力于支持需要学费援助的家庭. We believe that all qualified students should have the opportunity to benefit from a quality, 天主教教育不分支付能力.
The application for tuition assistance for the 2025-26 school year is open October 1-December 31, 2024. 但是如果你家庭的经济状况发生了变化, 我们鼓励您随时与我们的财务总监联系, 汤姆·拉姆齐, 在tramsey@es-one.com. 我们努力使所有感兴趣的家庭都能接受皇冠99hg现金网主教教育.
请注意:学费援助申请必须每年完成. 支点基金会将不接受逾期申请.
在2024-25学年, BBHS奖励超过3美元.200万的学费补助 and scholarships to families with incomes ranging from $10,000/year to $200,000 and above/year. This was made possible through the generosity of our donors and the support of Catholic Archdiocese Fulcrum Foundation. Blanchet对可访问性的承诺意味着大约 我们有34%的学生得到支持 每年通过学费补助或奖学金.